
  • We aim to ship in stock products within 3 working days of order. We will communicate any unforeseen delays in shipping.
  • We will ship by next day delivery where available.
  • We will arrange shipping to the delivery address (and pick-up in case of return – see above Returns Policy).
  • Delivery will be on pallet and will be to the ground floor level only.
  • We will be responsible for the item(s) until point of handover to the customer.
  • Please review the package carefully at delivery and highlight any defects to the shipper and to us including photographic/video evidence. Any damage during shipping should be communicated to the shipper at point of delivery and followed up by email to
  • After this point, we are not responsible for any damage caused during package opening and installation by the customers.
  • Proof of delivery supplied by our delivery company is sufficient evidence to establish that goods have been received.

Change of address after shipping:

May be subject to extra charges depending on the distance.